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David Reigle

Today there is a lot of material available on meditation, much of which is seemingly conflicting. One feels at a loss to try and sort it all out. There exists, however, among the writings of the East, a classic text on meditation which gets to the heart of the matter, stating clearly and concisely just what meditation is. This text is held by tradition to contain the very essence of the…

The Higher and Lower Mind in Meditation

A talk on the two levels of the mind that defines the two stages of meditational practice. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answer on the second half.

Awarness and non-attachment

A talk by Vic Hao Chin on how to make non-attachment be possible in daily life affairs through self-awareness, with questions and answers on the second part.

Meditaion and Intuition

This talk deals with intuition, the faculty that awakens more and more as one practices meditation. It is a practical faculty that is valuable in making reliable perceptions and decisions on major and minor matters in life. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answers on the second part.

The benefits of Meditaion

A talk on the practical value of meditation in daily life -- in inner equanimity, relationships, work effectiveness, and the pursuit of the transcendent life. Given by Vic Hao Chin, with questions and answers on the second part.

Guided Meditation

An actual guided meditation session for 20 minutes, using awareness of breathing and using counting as an anchor. Conducted by Vic Hao Chin Jr. of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines.

Betty Bland

How well I remember John Algeo pronouncing in his sonorous voice the difference between a labyrinth and a maze. Both, he said, are meanders that one walks through hoping to achieve the centre goal.  The difference is that if one continues pressing onward in a labyrinth, no matter how many crooks and turns, one will finally reach the goal. A maze is an entirely different matter.

Rohit Mehta talks on meditation

Rohit Mehta was born on August 3, 1908, at Surat in the family of Hasmanram, a professor of physics at the Elphinstone College, Bombay. He was educated in Bombay, Surat, and Ahmedabad, India. After several years of political activity with Mahatma Gandhi, Mr Mehta became a leader in the Theosophical Society in Adyar.

Master K.H. on Concentration  and Union with the Higher Self

Concentrate on the idea of the Higher Self., say for one half an hour at first. Permit no other thought. By degrees you will be able to unite your consciousness with the Higher Self. The Higher Self is always to be sought for within. To look outside is a fatal mistake

Dora Kunz on meditation

There is an “inner self” within each one of us, which can be described as a state of consciousness in which one experiences a profound sense of inner peace and wisdom.

73 minutes.

Radha Burnier talking on Meditation
According to Theosophy, evolution is a process that involves consciousness as well as the physical organism. As consciousness slowly evolves, it becomes embodied within increasingly complex and sensitive vehicles. In the human kingdom, we have yet to unfold many of the potential powers that lie within
video by Vimala Bhikkhuni on mindfulness

Presented on April 20, 2017 In his essential teaching of “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness,” the Buddha gives a comprehensive and systematic explanation of meditation. We will explore a part of this teaching called Contemplation of the Mind, in which we observe and reflect on the nature of our various mental states. This process leads to both insight and liberation.

 John Cianciosi

The Ten Ox Herding Pictures are a series of images with accompanying poems, and are among the most beloved pictures in Zen Buddhism. They have been the source of endless commentary and inspiration in Zen since at least the 12th century. These ox herding images are emblematic of the spiritual path to enlightenment.

 Bhante Sujatha

Because our American culture has commercialized mindfulness and meditation terminology, the true meanings sometimes get lost. Bhante Sujatha, known as the Loving-kindness Monk, will introduce the true meaning of mindfulness along with ways we can begin to deepen our practice through this powerful meditation process.

Presented on October 26, 2017

H.P.B. On Meditation & Yoga

Many books have been written on the subject of meditation and yoga but very few in the light of Theosophy and fewer still against the specific teachings of H.P.B. and her Masters.The main sources of our information are the third volume of The Secret Doctrine (1897 Edition) (S.D.), Volume XII of the Collected Writings (de Zirkoff) (CW), certain passages elsewhere in the Collected Writings, the…

Diagram Of Meditation By Mary Anderson

In 1887-88 Madame Blavatsky dictated a Diagram of Meditation to E. T. Sturdy. This Diagram is interesting to study and useful to try to follow in meditation — but also in daily life. It begins with the words: First conceive of Unity. How are we to do so? We may think of the Unity of all things as something ‘other-worldly­’, rejecting the world of diversity that we know.

The Theosophical Path of Meditation by Pablo Sender

by Pablo D. Sender

Originally printed in the Winter 2011 issue of Quest magazine.

Citation: Sender, Pablo D. “The Theosophical Path of Meditaiton.” Quest  99. 1 (Winter 2011): 15-18.

The Theosophical Society was arguably the first organization in modern times to widely promote meditation in the West. Today more and more people are aware of meditation as an…

Some Interesting Aspects Of Meditation by I. K. Taimni

Published in The American Theosophist, November 1970

A PDF copy of this article can be downloaded here.

The word “meditation” stands for a large variety of mental exercises adopted by people who have a spiritual ideal of one kind or another in their lives and want to realize this…

The Practice Of Tonglen by Pema Chodron

Each of us has a "soft spot": the place in our experience where we feel vulnerable and tender. This soft spot is inherent in appreciation and love, and it is equally inherent in pain.

Often, when we feel that soft spot, it's quickly followed by a feeling of fear and an involuntary, habitual tendency to close down. This is the tendency of all living things: to avoid pain…

Brochure on meditation

As the pressures of the world increase and multiply , many people see meditation as a step toward a calmer life, and towards direct realisation of the wellspring of strength and peace within themselves.

Preparation For Yoga -by I. K. Taimni

The discussion about the nature of Samadhi in the first chapter of the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali and the subtle mental processes which are involved in it might well give the impression that the technique of Yoga is not meant for the ordinary man and he can at best make only a theoretical study of the subject and must postpone its practical application to his own life for some future incarnation…

The Value Of Devotion by Annie Besant

AMONG the many forces which inspire men to activity, none, perhaps, plays a greater part than the feeling we call devotion — together with some feelings that often mask themselves under its name, though fundamentally differing from it in essence.

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