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Mrs. Cooper-Oakley's painstaking research is so well-known, and so highly appreciated among students, that it is not necessary for me to recommend her work. She has traveled far and wide over Europe, visiting famous libraries, in order to collect, with long perserverance and unwearied exertion, the materials which we read at our ease, in
comfortable armchairs, with their feet on the…

Comte de St. Germain The Secret of Kings

Mrs. Cooper-Oakley's painstaking research is so well-known, and so highly appreciated among students, that it is not necessary for me to recommend her work. She has traveled far and wide over Europe, visiting famous libraries, in order to collect, with long perserverance and unwearied exertion, the materials which we read at our ease, in comfortable armchairs, with their feet on the fender. So…

Count St Germain

This eBook has been compiled from a series of articles that appreared in The Theosophical Path from January 1914 through to July 1915.  There are 18 of them and they have been deeply researched by P.A. Malpas.

This is a very fasinating eBook on Count St Germain - well worth reading!

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Ebook - Count St Germain and H.P. Blavatsky by H.S. Olcott

This is an interesting little book (only 12 pages) written by Henry Olcott which first appeared in the Theosophist in July 1905. It delves into the connections and ways of operating between those two great messangers of the White Lodge; Count St Germain and Madame Blavatsky.  

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