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What is the meaning of the world? What am I? What is the object of my existence? Deeds can never be greater than ideas and to cure our own or the world's sorrows, ignorance will have to be replaced by the hidden knowledge.


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The Secret Path describes a practical way for everyday working people to unlock the powers of the Overself. The Overself, as described by Paul Brunton (PB), is “the God within us” of whom we can become aware during meditation and in life.


Paul Brunton was a British philosopher, researcher, mystic, and adventurer. He left a journalistic career to live among yogis, mystics, and holy men, and studied a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric teachings. With his entire life dedicated to the spiritual quest, Brunton felt charged with the task of communicating his knowledge and experiences in layperson's terms.


From the Preface:

I do not desire to convince others, but simply to radiate whatsoever of truth I have found; then others can pick it up or not as they wish. They must approach me of their own free will and not because I wish to act as a missionary to them. I do not seek to convert, much less compel, but to show others what they, too, can find within themselves.

A Search in Secret Egypt

In this book, philosopher Paul Brunton (1898-1981) encounters the mysteries and magic of Egypt in the 1930s, including an eerie yet illuminating night spent alone inside the Great Pyramid.


Paul Brunton was one of a very small number of his generation to travel in India and Tibet so extensively at a time when very few were doing so with such insight and discernment.

The late Paul Brunton was one of the 20th century's greatest explorers of and writers on the spiritual traditions of the East. A Search in Secret India is the story of Paul Brunton's journey around India, living among yogis, mystics, and gurus, some of whom he found convincing, others not.
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