

A Sanskrit Tibetan compound; Dhyani meaning “meditation” and the Tibetan “Chohan” meaning “Lord;” hence, “Lord of Meditation,” a general term for celestial beings beyond human evolution. They are similar to the Angelic Hosts of Christianity, the Elohim and “Messengers” of the Jews.

Helena P. BLAVATSKY refers to the Dhyani-Chohan as the Intelligent Forces in nature that enact the laws of nature, but “they are not the personifications of the powers of nature.” It is a host of beings, which as in an army, has divisions, brigades, regiments, etc., “each with its separate individuality or life . . . each contained in a larger individuality, to which its own interests are subservient, and each containing lesser individualities in itself” (SD I:38). They are perfected beings who are free from personalities and human emotional nature, and are devoid of physical bodies (SD I:275).

Many names have been given to the different types of Dhyani-Chohans, in different cultures, such as DHYANI-BUDDHAS, ANGELS, ARCHANGELS, DEVAS, BARHISHADS, MANASAPUTRAS, PITRIS, ELOHIM, PRAJAPATIS, KUMARAS, etc.

There are seven chief groups of Dhyani-Chohans, which are the SEVEN RAYS, based upon which humanity is similarly divided. In the evolutionary ladder, Dhyani-Chohans are divided into three classes or kingdoms, and each class has its own subdivisions. Add to this the four terrestrial kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal and human) and the three elemental kingdoms, we have a total of ten classes or kingdoms:

Dhyani-Chohan I Dhyani-Chohan II Dhyani-Chohan III Humanity Animals Plants Minerals Elemental I Elemental II Elemental III

All the Dhyani-Chohans evolved from the lower stages or kingdoms, and hence have passed through the human stage. While their nature and powers far exceed those of human beings, they are limited by the boundaries that separate the various solar systems in the cosmos.


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