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(PUB.). Helena P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society (TS), published The Secret Doctrine in two volumes in the autumn of 1888.

Joy Mills

The Secret Doctrine seminar given by Joy Mills at the Krotona School of Theosophy in 1988.


Joy Mills audio recording of talks in The Netherlans

Joy Mills was an educator who served as President of the Theosophical Society in America from 1965–1974, and then as International Vice President for the Theosophical Society based in Adyar, Chennai, India from 1974-1980.


In 1897, Annie Besant published what she called the third volume of The Secret Doctrine, which had been announced by H. P. Blavatsky but left unpublished during the author's life. Received opinion at the present time is that what Besant published was not Blavatsky's third volume, but instead something assembled out of various documents left by HPB.

Secret Doctrine

Before the reader proceeds to the consideration of the Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan which form the basis of the present work, it is absolutely necessary that he should be made acquainted with the few fundamental conceptions which underlie and pervade the entire system of thought to which his attention is invited. These basic ideas are few in number, and on their clear apprehension depends…


The Secret Doctrine, when correctly studied, produces a definite change in those who study it.


In response to the demand for further light on the Stanzas of Dzyan which form the basis of The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky answered a variety of questions at weekly meetings of the Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society in London.


In response to the demand for further light on the Stanzas of Dzyan which form the basis of The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky answered a variety of questions at weekly meetings of the Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society in London. Her replies illumine many important facets of the teachings that are often difficult for students and inquirers.

The Secret Doctrine

The SD remains today the most comprehensive sourcebook of the esoteric tradition, outlining the fundamental tenets of the Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages. Challenging, prophetic, and strikingly modern, it directly addresses the perennial questions: continuity of life after death, purpose of existence, good and evil, consciousness and substance, sexuality, karma, evolution, and human and…

Among The Adepts by Annie Besant

It would be difficult to find a book presenting more difficulties to the "reviewer with a conscience" than these handsome volumes bearing the name of Mdme. Blavatsky as author --- or, perhaps, it would be more accurate to say, as compiler and annotator. The subject-matter is so far away from the beaten paths of literature, science, and art; the point of view so removed from our Occidental…

The Secret Doctrine And Its Study

This leaflet is intended as resource material for Theosophical Branches. It is available in Microsoft Word format so that your own branch contact details can be added and provided to people interested in this topic. Anyone, however is welcome to download this document.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter by Elana Dovaksantos

A presentation by Elena Dovaksantos: Since the publication of HP Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine about 130 years ago, modern theories in science, particularly in cosmology, are starting to parallel some of the Secret Doctrine teachings. What do they reveal about the source of all existence? How does knowing this help us to understand ourselves and make a difference in our lives?

The Three Fundamental Propositions Of The Secret Doctrine by Virginia Hanson

Magazine Article: The American Theosophist, July 1974

“The trouble with the three fundamental propositions is that they are way up there in the blue somewhere. They don’t answer any of my problems. Why should I bother to study them?”

The Secret Doctrine and its Study - Notes from R. Bowen

Being extracts from the notes of personal teachings given by H. P. Blavatsky to private pupils during the years 1888 to 1891, included in a large manuscript volume left to me by my father, who was one of the pupils.

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