Geoffrey Hodson Audio Archive

Geoffrey Hodson (12 March 1886 in Lincolnshire, England - 23 January 1983 in Auckland, New Zealand) was an occultist, Theosophist, mystic, philosopher and esotericist, and a leading light for over 70 years in the Theosophical Society. He was educated in England. Aside from all that, he was also a freemason and a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church.
He served with distinction in the British Army as an Officer during the First World War, which experience seems to have prompted him to spend his life attempting to eradicate the causes of wars and suffering through his teachings and insights.
He was the author of over fifty books on, Theosophy, Spiritualism, mysticism, fairies, angels, meditation, clairvoyance, health and disease. On this page, you will find the ones still in print.
He also wrote over four hundred articles and held many radio talks. He travelled the world extensively lecturing for The Theosophical Society.
Below is an archive of talks given by Geoffrey Hodson which were recorded and later digitised.
- A World in Transition
- Animal Survival After Death
- Aspects of Toltec Antiquities
- Aura Colours and meanings
- Chakras
- Chance or Law in Human Life
- Clairvoyance & its Use
- Compilation - The Still-surviving Ancient Mysteries
- Cosmogenesis - Creation of the Universe & Man
- Cosmogenesis Part 1
- Cosmogenesis Part 2
- Cosmogenesis Part 3
- Cosmogenesis Part 4
- Cosmogenesis Part 5
- Cosmogenesis Part 6
- Cosmogenesis Part 7
- Do Perfect Men Exist on Earth
- Dweller of the Innermost in Every Human Being
- Final Lecture on Kundalini
- G Hodson talks to John Sell - No 2
- Has Man Lived on Earth Before
- Homes of a New Race
- How the limitations of the etheric, astral and mental consciousness may be transcended
- How to make the masters more real
- How man can find his spiritual teacher
- Interview with G. Hodson about Cottingley Glen Fairies
- Investigating Air to See The Anu
- Investigating Graphite Rod with Current Flowing
- Investigating Mantras with Seetha Neelakantan
- Kundalini and the Serpent Fire
- Leads A Group Meditation
- Life & Teachings of the Lord Buddha & Practical Applications with Q & A
- Man's Undying Reincarnation Spiritual Self
- Message to the Central Celebration 1975
- Occult Chemistry
- Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Tapes
- Our First Object & the Crisis of Man
- Our Opportunities for the Next Hundred Years
- Prayers of the Religions
- Pressing Problems of Justice in the Affairs of nations
- Questions and Answers Session at the Palmerston Nth Convention, New Zealand 1975
- Reincarnation Fact or Fallacy Talk In Durban
- Reincarnation - Fact of Fallacy Talking Book
- Remembering Past Lives
- Semitic and Celtic Antiquities
- The Angelic Beings Who Build Universes
- The Bible as a Source of Secret Knowledge
- The Birth of the Universe
- The Body of Emotions Built of Astral Matter
- The Cosmic Seed
- The Divine Presence
- The Duplicate of the Physical Body Built of Etheric Matter
- The Law of Correspondence
- The Masters and the Way to Them
- The Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt
- Mysteries & Questions
- The Pathway to Perfection
- Pages 1 to 18 Part 1
- Pages 18 to 44 Part 2
- Pages 45 to 77 Part 3
- The Religion of Islam
- The Sevenfold Key to Human Character
- The Still-surviving Ancient Mysteries, How Entrance to its Temples May be Gained
- The 7 Rays
- Some Reflections & Personal Experience
- Some Theosophical Concepts in Current Thought
- The Starry Body of Man
- The Still Surviving Mysteries
- The Story of My Life
- The Supreme Deity of the Universe
- The Supreme Splendour
- The Theory & Practice of Spiritual Healing
- Thought Power
- Through the Gateway of Death
- Thoughts on Teaching Theosophy - 1964
- Transvaal Ape-Man - 1960
- Unexplored Laws of Nature & The Powers Latent in Man
- Yoga of Light - Meditation