
A Curriculum in the Wisdom Tradition

David Reigle

K.H words (see article) practically form the charter of a school whose “chief aim is to extirpate current superstitions and skepticism, and, from long-sealed ancient fountains to draw the proof that man may shape his own future destiny, and know for a certainty that he can live hereafter, if he only wills; and that all ‘phenomena’ are but manifestations of natural law, to try to comprehend which is the duty of every intelligent being,” as the letter goes on to say. It is such a school that we felt the need to attempt.

To achieve this, we developed a systematic course of training in the essentials of the Wisdom Tradition. The Foundation Course core curriculum, requiring three years, includes four lines of study: (1) The Path, emphasizing the bodhisattva path, the path of compassion or altruism; (2) The Teachings of the WisdomTradition, a graded course culminating in The Secret Doctrine; (3) Sanskrit, the “language of the gods,” providing the access tool for the Wisdom Tradition teachings; (4) Meditation, emphasizing the Råja Yoga system of meditation through controlling the mind. This core curriculum, detailed in the following pages, is designed to be full-time and to be taken as a unit. It may be supplemented throughout as needed, by regularly offered electives,  joint study of items of interest as they arise, and individual study and practice.

Read the full article here.


The foregoing article was written by David Reigle. It is an adapted and expanded version of his article,“Eastern School and Its Curriculum,” published in The Eclectic Theosophist, n.s. vol. 22, no. 4, Winter 1993,pp. 23-27. This school no longer exists.

English (英文)