
Caithness, Marie


Marie Caithness
       Marie Caithness

(1830-1895). Dowager Countess of Caithness and Duchess de Pomâr. The daughter of Don Antonio José de Mariâtegui, of Santa Catalina, Macuriges, Marie Caithness was born in Madrid in 1830. She was married twice and after the death of her second husband she settled in Paris calling her palace Holyrood. All her life the Countess was interested in occult subjects and at her home she had a chapel in which she held frequent séances.

Shortly after the publication of Isis Unveiled Helena P. BLAVATSKY received a cordial letter from Caithness inviting the founders to visit her and a firm and lasting friendship was formed. She became the first president of the Société Théosophique d’Orient et d’Occident which was founded at Paris in 1883. From this was formed the first French Lodge in 1883 and Caithness was first president of it. She died on November 7, 1895.

Publications include:

A Night at Holywood, The Mystery of the Ages Contained in the Secret Doctrine of All Religions, Old Truths in a New Light