

A latent power of thought in human beings that enables one to produce a visible form from one’s thoughts. T. SUBBA ROW describes it as a power that enables thought “to produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results by its own inherent energy” (Esoteric Writings, p. 11; also in SD II:173). The word is derived from two Sanskrit words, kriya, meaning action, and sakti, power. It is the externalization of an idea or thought when one’s attention and will are sufficiently concentrated. “Like the lightning conductor which leads the electric fluid, the faculty of Kriyâsakti conducts the creative Quintessence and gives it direction. Led haphazardly, it can kill; directed by the human intellect, it can create according to a predetermined plan” (CW XI:529).

Kriyasakti is one of the six primary powers or aktis in nature. The others are parasakti or the supreme power, icchasakti or will- or desire-power, jnanasakti or the power of wisdom or knowledge, kundalini-sakti, the power of the latent coiled energy at the human spine, and mantrika-sakti, the power of mantras. In Kashmir Shaivism, two other kinds of saktis are mentioned: chitsakti, or the power of awareness, and anandasakti, the power of bliss.

Helena P. BLAVATSKY states that the creation of the projected illusory body (MAYAVI-RUPA) is also the result of the unconscious use of kriyasakti. But an adept can perform this consciously (CW XII:706-7). Adepts can also consciously produce photographs through this power (ibid., 672).

The Secret Doctrine states that certain human beings in the Third ROOT RACE were born through the power of kriyasakti. They were called the Sons of Will and Yoga (SD II:173), also called Sons of the Fire Mist and “Sons of Ad.” Thus they were referred to as the “Mind-born Sons” (SD I:211). It also mentions that the first women were created by kriyasakti before they were naturally born as an independent sex (SD II:140).


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