
Chetty, Raosahib G. Soobbiah

(1858-1946). Born in March 1858, at Salem, a small town in the Madras Presidency of India, Chetty joined the Theosophical Society (TS) on April 27, 1882.

Chetty was instrumental in purchasing the Adyar property (then called Huddlestone Gardens), taking the founders to the property on May 31, 1882. He is not mentioned in contemporary accounts until 1906 when the President Henry S. OLCOTT, leaving for an overseas tour, left him in charge of the Adyar compound. Chetty was Superintendent at Adyar from 1907 to 1910. In 1913 he was decorated by the Government for 30 years of flawless service. Chetty died at Adyar after 64 years of devoted service to theosophy.