
Blavatsky Association, The

Founded in 1923 by William Kingsland and Alice A. CLEATHER, both of whom had been pupils of Helena P. BLAVATSKY. It was intended for those who wished to seriously study and apply Blavatsky’s teachings. Three Transactions were published and the first (1924) contained the correspondence between the Defense Committee involved in the Hodgson case, (see HODGSON, Richard) and Arthur Conan Doyle; the second (1925) included correspondence from Canon P. Green and the text of the New York Sun’s retraction of the Elliot Coues article that they had previously published. It appears that at one time the Blavatsky Association excluded members of the TS (Adyar) and a letter attempting to justify this stand was published in The Theosophist (November 1924, p. 258) over the signature of Iona Davey, Honorary Secretary. One of its prominent members was Anagarika DHARMAPALA who became a leading Buddhist missionary. The Association was dissolved in 1947.



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