

Lucifer Magazine Archive

Lucifer Magazine - 1887 to 1897




  • Publication time period : September 15, 1887 - August 15, 1897.
  • Quantity : 20 Volumes, 120 Issues.
  • Publisher : Theosophical Publishing Society (London - England).
  • Editors : H. P. Blavatsky with Mabel Collins Cook, then H.P. Blavatsky alone; then with Annie Besant until Blavatsky's death in May 1891; then Annie Besant and G.R.S. Mead.
  • Succeeded by: Theosophical Review.

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Lucifer 1887

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Lucifer 1888

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Lucifer 1889

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Lucifer 1890

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Lucifer 1891

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Lucifer 1892

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Lucifer 1893

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Lucifer 1894

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Lucifer 1895

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Lucifer 1896

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Lucifer 1897

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